Contact us
Customer service
Office hours from Tuesday to Friday 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
+358 (0)44 291 4996
Please arrange your visit in advance with our customer service!
Street address:Espoon kuvataidekoulu / Espoo School of Art
WeeGee, Ahertajantie 5, Tapiola, Espoo
Postal address:
PL 6670, 02070 Espoon kaupunki
Social media channels
Teaching point locations
The School of Art has teaching points all around Espoo. See more information:

- Espoonlahti
Yläkaupinkuja 1, 02360 Espoo - Juvanpuisto
Juvanpuro 2, 02920 Espoo - Karakallio
Karatalo, Kotkatie 4, 02620 Espoo - Kauklahti
Klippinkitie 1, 02780 Espoo - Kirstin koulu
Kirstintie 11, 02760 Espoo - Leppävaara
Ruutikatu 9, 02650 Espoo - Olari 1 & 2
Kuusikallionkuja 3 F, 02210 Espoo - Omnia
Itätuulenpiha 1, 02100 Espoo - Tapiola
Exhibition Centre WeeGee, Ahertajantie 5, 02100 Espoo - Åberg Children's House (Leppävaara)
Ajurinkuja 4, 02650 Espoo